So wow, it has almost been a year since I have blogged. As you know so much has happened since our time together. I haven't really been able to blog because I didn't know what to say... Tonight I went to my church's fine arts recital to watch them dedicate a piano in Isaiah's memory.
Something triggered in my mind tonight that I should visit my blog and share with you some of the things I have dealt with this past year. What a year, huh? Pain, sorrow, grief, joy, happiness, all in one :)
Losing my sweet Isaiah, watching my sister and brother let go of their son, seeing my mom and dad at a loss of words or comfort was the saddest, hardest thing I have ever witnessed. There are so many days when I am driving home from work that I see a beautiful sunset or the sun shining through the clouds and I always think about Isaiah. I think about the boy who endured much but gave more. I think about the little guy who loved happy birthday songs, who was always putting his little hands on dad's guitar, and who wore the happiest smile in the world.
There are some days when memories come flooding back into my head; making Christmas cookies with Nicki and Isaiah (Nicki made him try the icing), listening to Lion sing to Isaiah over and over again,watching him see the ocean for the first time, and rubbing his sweet little mittens while he slept. These are things that I treasure most and I suppose thats why I am blogging again, so I don't forget.
I probably will never be able to sing Taylor songs, Happy Birthday, or lullabies without thinking of Isaiah and I am glad.
Until I blog again,