Thursday, November 19, 2009
Nearing the End of my Journey
Monday, October 5, 2009
Love Makes Me SICK!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Back in Black!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
As Pretty as a Picture
Friday, June 5, 2009
Greetings, I am writing from a small Computer
After a year, I still get excited when I hear is ringtone (which is Thriller) announcing that he is on his way home. We are celebrating our one year by going to Indianapolis to see Wicked and toot around the historic district. We are staying in a Bed & Breakfast (I love these maybe one day I will devote an entire post devoted to B&B's.) Anywho that is what we are doing, I am just excited to be with Jeremiah and enjoy a relaxing weekend with my husband. Anyways this computer is doing crazy things and literally has taken my almost thirty minutes to type this blasted post. Anyways I have loved being married for a whole year :))) Besides following Jesus it was the best decision I have ever made.
Until next time,
Friday, May 8, 2009
What a Week!

I knew I would be writing about this eventually. This week, specifically Wednesday night about 10:30 pm, I witnessed Calvin being born. I was so nervous about it all, I didn't even know if I could handle it.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A Faithful Poster
Friday, April 3, 2009
A little thing called the CPSIA....
This act (feel free to read it here) will drastically affect the parents of children aged 0-12, and the people who make their livelihood from selling or making products intended for these children.
According to the CPSIA, any product that is designed toward this age range is required to be tested for lead and phthalates (a pretty dangerous plastic/chemical found in many toys. It’s what makes your rubber duck squeezable) and receive certification stating the item to be free of or below the legal limit of both.
That includes all clothing, baby blankets, toys (no matter the materials used to make them), bicycles, videos, and books.
Without the testing and certification, it will be illegal to sell any of these products. This law is also retroactive, which means things that were perfectly OK for you to buy your 6 year old two months ago will now also require testing. Anything sitting in the warehouses will have to be sent back and re-tested. Now, for places like Wal-mart and Toys ‘R Us, that’s fine. No big deal. They can afford it. But what about your local thrift store or consignment shop? What about that independent bookstore downtown? Your local library? Or how about these mothers trying to supplement their income by making beautiful children’s items by hand and selling them online?
Felt Cake Play Set By Little Bitty BakeryWooden Grasping/ Teething Elephant Toy By Little Sapling Toys
The CPSIA includes them all.
Thrift stores won’t be required to test their items, but they will still be required to follow the law. How should they go about doing that? According to a representative from the CPSC, they should “look at it” and have a “level of confidence” about whether or not it contains lead. When these resellers do eyeball an item and say that it appears to be below the accepted lead level, anyone that purchases that item and merely claims it had lead in it can sue them into the ground. That means that most thrift stores are probably not going to take any chances and will just stop selling children’s items. That is going to cause a lot of problems for people who can’t afford to buy new clothes every time their kid grows again. And what should the people who donate/consign their used things do? Why, put them in a landfill, of course.
*Video interview*
And blog discussing the troublesome issues with the interview.
Something that makes me personally even more sick is this law’s take on books. Any children’s book printed before 1985 is as of Feb 10th, 2009 considered to be a hazardous & illegal material. The government is forcing libraries to clean out their shelves and devastating the inventory of independent bookstores. Apparently, these books contain minute traces of lead in the ink and are now considered toxic. Testing isn’t possible because the procedure would require the destruction of the book. They clearly aren’t concerned with the fact that by the time a child ate enough of these “toxic” books to induce lead poisoning, he would already have died a few times over because of the incredible amount of paper in his system.
Just a week or two ago, I was at Jessie’s apartment, looking at some beautiful copies of assorted Beatrix Potter stories (The Tale of Jeremy Fisher, Squirrel Nutkin, and others) that were printed in the 1970’s. I hope Jessie plans on keeping them, because she will be in some serious trouble if she tries to sell them online or donate them to Goodwill.
*Links to books and the CPSIA-
Books, Testing Forms and the Coming Safety Bubble by The Common Room.
Article by Red Cardigan
Troubling piece concerning books & the CPSIA
Raise your hand if you think any of these items have lead in them-
Flapper Beanie By PDXBeanies
I got this information from a fellow blogger- Organic Baby Farm.
I directly quoted this because I feel that she has already spent the time doing the research and worded it perfectly. I don’t think that I could paraphrase it and appropriately explain it.
How Much Safer Will CPSIA Make Us?
“First, I made a list of every recall that occurred in 2008. (Yes, it took all day. I have a twisted ankle so I needed an excuse to sit down.) I got the info from the CPSC's website and for each recall jotted down a short description of the item, the hazard for which it was recalled, the number of items recalled, whether CPSIA might possibly have prevented it, how many injuries and how many deaths resulted from it, whether the recall was voluntary or not, and a quick note about what types of injuries were sustained (so that I could distinguish between bruises and broken bones).Once I had my list in the spreadsheet, I set about analyzing the data. There were 388 recall notices (some of the notices had multiple item recalls on them, for example if they were recalling more than one color of item). Together these recalls represented 31,100,159 individual products, that resulted in 665 injuries and 7 deaths. Most of the recalls (76% of them) had no injuries or deaths associated with them. That means only 24% of the recalls happened as the result of an injury or death.
A quick note about voluntary vs. involuntary recalls. There was only ONE involuntary recall in all of 2008, and it was from a company that had had multiple large recalls in a short period of time and gone out of business. The company that bought its assets refused to conduct the recall, but the retailers jumped right in and went ahead with it, in cooperation with the CPSC. And this one recall was for a bassinet with a strangulation hazard, from which 2 kids had died.
Another point that bears making is that most, but not all, of the recalls for lead paint and lead exposure were ones that would have been prevented by CPSIA. 90% of them would have been (63), but 10% of them (7) were for items definitely not intended for children, such as key chains and candle charms. Wherever there was doubt whether an item might be a "children's item" I pre-emptively ruled that it was a children's item. So for example the Harry Potter bookends that were recalled for lead paint got classed as a children's item for purposes of my analysis. There was one injury from lead exposure from the non-CPSIA lead violations; I didn't count it as one that CPSIA would have prevented, because it was from exposure to a lead-containing adult product (a keychain, in this case).Of the 63 recalls that would have been prevented by CPSIA, only 1 resulted in an injury (a child ingested lead paint from a crib and had elevated blood levels of lead). This means that had CPSIA been in place for 2008, one child would have been helped.Think about that: all the expense to which we are going, all the ruination of all the businesses, all of that would only have helped ONE small child be safer.
Now think about how many children we could help if we instituted a lead paint abatement program. According to CDC data, in 2006 there were 39,526 children with blood levels of lead in excess of 10 ug/dl (the level of concern). If we are truly concerned about lead poisoning in children, why don't we start with the 39,525 children who did NOT contract lead poisoning from children's goods?”
Please, take a moment to write your congressman and your senator to tell them to join in against this act and pass an amendment through that will fix this devastating law.
Find your congressmen’s address here.
Find your senator’s address here.
Use this sample email.
Sign the petition here.
(it will ask for a donation afterwards, but you do not have to give)
Email the CPSC directly here.
You can read more of Jo's thoughts on her blog.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Here ya go!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Check It
Random fact of the day:
Harvard as in Harvard University's, motto used to be "Veritas pro Christo et ecclesia" which stands for truth for Christ and his Church. Now this liberal college's motto is "Veritas" or truth.
Harvard irrates me, but at least they are not claiming what they aren't.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Calling Out!
So much to say, where to start! First things first, dad gets his kidney on March 3rd. Yippee!! Seriously people, the Lord has been provided for the Montgomery's in ways you can't imagine. Our living God is amazing.
Today I had the privilege of eating with Tony Byrd and his family. This is dad's kidney donor. He and his wife Jenny, and his daughter, Mattie also came to church with dad and mom. Steve, my papa-in-law, aka also my Pastor announced who Tony was. The church erupted into claps! It was wonderful watching a body of believers thanking Tony and the same time PRAISING are gracious GOD! A prayer answered before our eyes! It was wonderful dining with them, the entire time we had casual conversation but I was thinking how do I tell you I am eternally grateful or you are allowing my dad a chance to see and be with my future children?? Brings me to tears every time I think about this kidney transplant. Lord willing, he will be able to use that kidney for 15-20 years! Dad can finally swim again!! (He loves swimming)
Mom and dad came over tonight while my dear husband was at work (I should have been doing schoolwork and should be doing it now). I seriously have the most awesome parents, I could write volumes about my parents. We are all so excited about next week; thank you for loving and praying for us.
I soon hope to post about some recipes I have been liking, the Give Me and Answer conference and giving you updates about dad's surgery. Life is crazy right about now, don't forget to take some time and just be still, meditate on the Lord.
Till we meet again,
Friday, February 6, 2009
So Long Blues!

Hello all. Blah, what a week it has been, but when I look at this picture I always chuckle to myself. Today was my first full week back at school, got my first speeding ticket, plus I decided to be really grumpy periodically throughout the week.
Seriously, this week I complained about the cold, my ticket (I will probably always complain though), my work load, and bunch of other silly stuff. But you know what I noticed? I had also not read my bible very much, thought about Jesus very much, or was really not concerned with others... correlation... I think yes!
Maybe because I am the youngest in my family, I have a tendency to be selfish and self-centered. Everyday is a conscious effort to fight the feeling in all aspects of my life. To consider others better than myself, to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind, to be a happily submissive wife, you get the point.
Today, I look outside and the sun is shining, my bible reading is sweet, Isaiah and Dad are doing well and life is good, but a life saved by Jesus Christ is always good, and I always need to remember that.
Till we meet again,
Friday, January 30, 2009
Me gusta leer!

For those Spanish impaired people (myself included), I said I love to read. Not only to read but to find books. Probably one of the biggest highlights of my year is to go to the Bowling Green Library's book sale twice a year, with my dearest companion, none other than Jo!
Today began the first day of the book sale, you can bet that Jo and I were up before the dawn preparing for our big day. Which included, throwing on many layers, scarfs, funky head wear, and gloves. We arrived at 6:30, got out of our cars at 6:40 (there was already a line forming!), and stood in the cold to get our treasures! I entertained others by doing a jig and some swift jog movements, and then finally at 6:59 the doors were opened. Jo and I fled to the children's books and the non-fiction room.
Was all this worth it? Oh yes, I finished my Shel Silverstein collection, found Eric Carles, No, Davids!, and many other young adult books. I also added to my classics section. Oh and I found Miah Luther's Catechisms.If you have been to Jeremiah's and my apartment, you have seen the book collection. It's so funny Jeremiah has all of his commentaries, greek mythologies, and other hoopla! My bookshelves are filled with cookbooks, children's novels, and the classics.
I just love books, honestly, I rather have a good/interesting book than almost anything. Whether I am reading God's word or The Tale of Peter Rabbit, I really just love getting lost in a book. I hope that you do too, if you ever have dry spot of reading let me know, I can help!
Till I blog again,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Psalm 25:1 O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in
perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long
PRO 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
1 Peter6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift
you up in due time.
Psalm 33:21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.
It has been over fifteen years that Phillip Lee Montgomery (aka dad) has been waiting patiently for a kidney, the Lord has been kind to my dad and given him the opportunity for a new kidney. Praise the Lord!
Dad was diagnosed with PKD (polycystic kidney disease) fifteen years ago. My family and I have known and waited for fifteen years for a kidney transplant for dad. Dad has an amazing story to tell and proves the Lord's faithfulness and grace to our entire family. I am so proud of my dad; he has been through brain surgery, kidney removal, dialysis, and will now finally face a transplant. Through the Lord's gracious hand dad has overcome all of these obstacles. If you know my dad, you know he always has a smile on his face and something funny to say. He has always brightened my days. My dad is amazing and is a wonderful example of trusting the Lord fully.
I would also like to thank Tony; who is graciously donating a kidney to dad. He has never looked back once he made the decision and has given my dad a chance for a longer, healthier life. We will be forever grateful to you.
The date will be set for the transplant on Monday. Please continue to pray for dad and my entire family. When I know more, I will post again.
On That Cold and Wintry Day...

Quote of the Day...
Spring, summer, and fall fill us with hope; winter alone reminds us of the human condition.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Today was a very cold day on the hill of Western. I had class this morning at 8, Jeremiah dropped me off at Tate Page (Elementary Education majors you know this is our home) and it was snowing dogs and cats outside. I choose a seat by the window, which was a poor choice for me because I do not recall anything my teacher said! So after class, I decided to let Jeremiah take the car home and I would ride the bus to the commuter lot and walk home. Bad idea, after waiting for the bus for thirty minutes it finally came, my nose was a fountain of water, my ears were purple, and I was wheezing (for those who have heard my wheeze think how unpleasant it was for others :). Thats not all...
So I hop off the bus and start tootin back home through the forest of Cameron Park, luckily I had my rain boots on (thank you Amanda) but I somehow still managed to get slushy snow on my jeans. Once I got home, even thought we had electricity, I proceeded to turn on our gas stove and toast my entire body. Needless to say, I had a small humbling experience today, it's good for me. Till I blog again...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Quote of the Day...
Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV)
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
Might seem depressing but I don't think so. This quote had me thinking about the little debacle concerning Coldplay and plagiarism... oh and the umm Ice Ice Baby guy copying Queen's song. The both of them really messed up, but I don't really care, it's all been done before. I think the Beatles, actually, Lennon/McCartney said it best when they wrote
"There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy."
There you go. Coldplay I will still listen, Ice Ice Baby guy I never did, okay maybe once.