Quote of the Day...
Spring, summer, and fall fill us with hope; winter alone reminds us of the human condition.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Today was a very cold day on the hill of Western. I had class this morning at 8, Jeremiah dropped me off at Tate Page (Elementary Education majors you know this is our home) and it was snowing dogs and cats outside. I choose a seat by the window, which was a poor choice for me because I do not recall anything my teacher said! So after class, I decided to let Jeremiah take the car home and I would ride the bus to the commuter lot and walk home. Bad idea, after waiting for the bus for thirty minutes it finally came, my nose was a fountain of water, my ears were purple, and I was wheezing (for those who have heard my wheeze think how unpleasant it was for others :). Thats not all...
So I hop off the bus and start tootin back home through the forest of Cameron Park, luckily I had my rain boots on (thank you Amanda) but I somehow still managed to get slushy snow on my jeans. Once I got home, even thought we had electricity, I proceeded to turn on our gas stove and toast my entire body. Needless to say, I had a small humbling experience today, it's good for me. Till I blog again...
Awww... your poor little wheezing self. I always feel so sorry for you when you wheeze!! :( Just think how cold it will be FRIDAY!!!